2.移除the Blogger Followers / Google Friend Connect gadgets,我從來都沒有裝過。


The Real Blogger Status: Internet Explorer and "Operation Aborted" - June 2009
Previously, the cause of the problem, when known, was third party scripts that didn't operate properly inside an HTML / JavaScript shell. One instance, not the sole cause but the one most observed, was bad code in the SiteMeter visitor counter, later solved by SiteMeter. Last month, many bloggers found that removing the Blogger Followers / Google Friend Connect gadgets, and changing the comment form from "Embedded below post" to "Full page" or "Popup", provided relief to their affected blogs.
Two weeks after the latest problem was reported, though, this problem continues. And some bloggers are recently reporting that their blogs have this problem, and it's not apparently solved by removing the Blogger Followers / Google Friend Connect gadgets, or by changing the comment form from "Embedded below post" to "Full page" or "Popup".
Known Issues for Blogger: internet explorer
Some users are seeing an 'Operation Aborted' error message when trying to load their blogs from Internet Explorer. We're looking into this and will update this message when we have a fix.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Update (May 26): We are still working on resolving this bug. This only affects viewers using IE to view the blog; for right now, blog owners can either move the Followers gadget lower in their sidebar, or remove it altogether. Either action will eliminate the pop-up dialog box in IE.
我就是用 blogger,結果真有問題,但是,因為我用 mac,沒用 IE,根本不知道發生問題了,直到讀者通知才知道。
回覆刪除我本來用"... Read more(繼續閱讀),只好改成“整頁模式”,至少讀者可以閱讀文章,但是,我實在不喜歡這種整頁模式的文章,不知你是怎麼解決的,『無法開啟』視窗的問題是只有張貼意見時才有,還是閱讀文章時也有?
回覆刪除我目前用ie6去開你的部落格都沒有問題,我從來都沒有動過繼續閱讀這個功能。根據這個網頁http://blogging.nitecruzr.net/2009/06/internet-explorer-and-operation-aborted.html 的說法,好像也沒有人提到原因是繼續閱讀這個功能。